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RDS and Stereo Coder Integrated For FM Broadcasting

RDS and Stereo Coder Integrated For FM Broadcasting Main Image

Fully programmable RDS unit and stereo coder all embedded onto a signal board. This makes plug n play, or installation to your transmitter a breeze. All the levels are correctly set so when you input the audio, the stereo pilot tone will be the correct level and the RDS sidebands will also be the correct level. In the past we have had many customers unable to set the RDS level correctly, so doing this way gets around this issue. We also package in the programming cable allowing you to connect the RDS to your PC USB port.

RDS and Stereo Coder Integrated For FM Broadcasting 2

Inc. Delivery to UNITED STATES

RDS and Stereo Coder Integrated for FM Broadcasting (scmrds)
US$ 147.84

5 Years! Warranty

Display Station, Artist and Song

Just as a standalone device with no connection to a PC, this device will display the station name. If you hook it up to the PC's USB port and link it to the playout software like Zara Radio for example, it can use artist and song title information from the audio file and display this information on the listeners radio. Depending on how nifty your IT department is at programming, you can display almost anything such as festive greetings, listeners birthday requests, weather and temperature etc.

RDS and Stereo Coder Integrated For FM Broadcasting 3
User Manual Click Here
Audio In and Out+4dBu
Audio ConnectionsRCA Gold Plated
Power Requirements11 to 16V DC 50mA
Pre-emphasis (50uS/ 75uS/ None)
Stereo Crosstalk35dB min.
Signal/Noise Ratio Better than 70dB
Signal To Noise Ratio 80 dBu
Audio Response +/0.5dB from 30Hz to 15KHz
Pilot Tone 19 KHz +/-0.2Hz
RDS Carrier 57 KHz locked to Pilot Tone
RDS Interface USB via RS232 Serial Adapter

Dynamic PS / Radio Text

Instead of just have the station name displayed statically, it can be programmed to: 1. flash through a series of text displays, as many as you want or; 2. Scroll across the screen a whole short paragraph.

It just looks so cool when you get in a car and see the DJ name, song name, artist etc. moving across the screen.

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RDS and Stereo Coder Integrated For FM Broadcasting 4

Full Composite MPX Signal

The MPX signal with the additional 57 KHz RDS complies fully with the GE and Zenith system approved by the FCC for FM stereo in April 1961 and subsequently adopted by the rest of the world in ITU-R BS.450-4.

100% Hardware

This is board assembly is 100% hard wired, it cannot crash as there's no program running on it. It is pure analogue with a little digital logic thrown in to enhance it. Providing you feed it a DC voltage between 11 and 16V it will run day and night forever. It only consumes a mere 50mA, which means it will run easily on any existing transmitter power supply. When comparing it with software coders that run on PC's there is no comparison, this little arrangement is more efficient on power, lower cost than a PC and sound card and can never freeze, crash or breakdown.

USB Cable and RDS Software

The USB cable provided allows you to connect to the RDS board with a PC to make any changes to the text displayed. The PC does not need to be connected all the time (unless you require dynamic changing real time RDS), the PC is simply there as a tool to make adjustments, when this is complete the RDS unit is disconnected from the PC and it continues to function without the PC. You can remove the power from the RDS and it's non volatile memory will store everything so when you power it up again, everything works as it should do. Here you can find can find the user RDS USER INSTRUCTIONS and software to download.


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