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The Original and Genuine Veronica® Audio Limiter

The Original and Genuine 1W PLL Veronica® Exciter The Original and Genuine 1W PLL Veronica® Exciter The Original and Genuine 1W PLL Veronica® Exciter

Technical Specification

Click here for user manual
Peak Limiting with AGC Action
Very Low Noise (-75 dBu S/N Ratio)
30Hz-15KHz Frequency Response
Standard 0dBu 775 mV rms Output
Better than 1 mS Attack Time
Very Low Distortion (0.2% at Limiting)
Selectable Pre-emphasis (50uS/75uS/none)
Compression Level Indication Via 3 LED's
Accepts Audio Inputs up to +24dBu 12Vrms
Single Supply Operation 11-16V DC

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Massive Input Handling

The circuit operates the audio gain around 3 individual time constants. These control a smooth AGC (Automatic Gain Control) combined with a very fast attack on audio signal peaks. Audio compression and output level are constant for input levels between -6dBu and +24dBu. This kit also contains selectable Pre-emphasis.

Inc. Delivery to UNITED STATES

Original and Geniune Veronica Audio Compressor Limiter for FM Broadcasting (KIT FORM) (alk)
US$ 65.54

Original and Geniune Veronica Audio Limiter Assembled and Tested (alm)
US$ 71.19

Audio Optimised to 100%

In any sound broadcasting system the audio level must be controlled to prevent over modulation. The current trend is for broadcast stations to transmit a constant level of audio optimised to 100%. This gives the listener 'loud' audio and prevents constant re-adjustment on the receiver volume control. The Aareff Limiter Compressor is specifically designed to achieve constant 100% modulation without any over modulation using a FM Transmitter. The result is a professional sound on your station output with all music and speech inputs. NOTE: STEREO REQUIRES TWO UNITS


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