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The Original and Genuine Veronica® Stereo Coder

Aareff FM Transmitter Stereo Coder Aareff FM Transmitter Stereo Coder

Technical Specification

  • Click here for user manual
  • Audio Inputs Standard Line 0dBu 775mV adjustable
  • PCB Mounted Input and Output Audio Phono
  • RCA Type Sockets
  • Power supply or battery over 11-16V DC
  • Pre-emphasis 50 or 75 uS
  • Stereo Crosstalk 35 dB min
  • Low Audio Distortion, less than 0.01%
  • Pilot Tone 19 KHz +/-0.2Hz
  • Low Noise, Audio S/N Ratio Better than 70dB
  • Audio Response 30Hz to 76KHz +/-0.5dB

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FM Stereo at Low Cost

The stereo coder converts your existing mono (MPX) FM transmitter into a high quality FM stereo broadcast transmitter. It will also work on transmitters from other manufacturers if the audio input is flat in amplitude and phase response up to 53 KHz. For the newcomers, the coder takes a separate left and right audio signal on two separate cables and combines them together to form just one signal coming out on one cable. This unique signal is called multiplex (MPX) and is fed into the mono (MPX) transmitter. Any stereo tuner receiving this signal decodes the multiplex back into separate left and right audio signals. Stereo coder and receiver decoder synchronise to each other using a 19KHz pilot tone which is also added to the multiplex signal. This stereo coder is quartz crystal controlled and is one of the last high quality 100% hardware and analogue coders still selling on the world market.

Inc. Delivery to UNITED STATES

Original and Geniune Veronica Stereo Coder in Kit Form (sck)
US$ 50.73

Original and Geniune Veronica Stereo Coder Assembled (scm)
US$ 63.41

Easy Connection To Limiters

The last revision of this was in 2011 and is now on high quality double sided circuit board. This provides a large ground plane area that acts a screen which ensures reliable operation in RF noisy environments. In addition we have now fitted a 16 way IDE connection option, this can be used for the connection of power supply, left audio in, right audio in, multiplex out and 19KHz out. The 16 way IDE pins directly connect to the 16 pin IDE pins on our audio limiter boards, this makes connection of the stereo coder to two of our limiters, simple quick and easy using only a short length of 16 Way IDE cable and connectors.

FM Stereo at Low Cost

High quality FM stereo is available for your mono transmitter, at low cost. This kit includes all parts, PCB and phono input and output sockets allowing easy hook up to your audio source and transmitter. No test equipment is required to set this unit up.

20 Years and Still Selling

This kit is now 20 years old and still going strong. The circuit is extremely reliable and will work in all conditions including high energy fields of RF. Basically you can install inside a transmitter with only little if none at all screening and it will still function correctly without instability or noise. We have not verified on a single test sample, this is proved over 15 years with the sale of over 4000 units.


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