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User Manual - Original Veronica® 1W PLL 14

Previous Versions: PLL10 PLL11 PLL12

28 years and still going strong, the Veronica PLL 14 is still the highest quality FM exciter in the world for the price. It now has an embedded micro-controller and DDS (Direct Digital Synthesis) chip which allows easy up and down buttons for frequency and also corrects the RF output level so it's exactly 1 watt from 87.5 to 108 into 50 ohms. It also allows us to connect the exciter to the internet for remote control and monitoring


This product is not intended for use on a 'stand alone' basis, it is sold as spare part/module sub assembly and is intended as a component for use in a fully assembled transmitter and/or transmission system that as a whole complies with the engineering requirements of ETS 300 384 and ETS 300 447. Use of this product on a 'stand alone' basis will in most countries of the world contravene the EMC compatibility regulations. It is the customer's responsibility to check relevant laws, directives and regulations before putting this product into service with an antenna system. You, the customer agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Aareff Systems Limited, it's employees and agents, from and against any claims, actions or demands, including without limitation legal and accounting fees, alleging or resulting from improper or unlawful use of this product.


Veronica 1W PLL FM Transmitter Version 14 Assembled designed by Paul Hollings


Value Designator Height(mm)
B161 1n5 C1 1
B159 1n C10 1
B196 10n C13, C33, C34, C35, C37, C38, C40 1
B156 68p C14, C16, C29, C30 1
B159 1n C15, C18, C19, C20, C21, C22, C23, C24, C25, C39, C48, C49, C72, C74, C75, C78, C84, C86, C88, C90, C91, C97, C100 1
B164 2n2 C2, C7 1
B149 10p C28, C55 1
B154 39p C31, C46, C77, C81, C83 1
NF C4, C32, C45, C65, C73, C80, C82, C87, C95, C98, C70 1
B155 47p C41, C42 1
B243 3p3 C43, C44, C62, C76 1
B150 15p C47 1
B197 100n C5, C56, C57, C60, C61, C96 1
B168-S 1u C51, C63, C94 1
B243 3p3 C52 1
B197 100n C58, C59, C64 1
B69 150pF C66 1
B195 4n7 C67 1
B198 220n C68, C69, C93 1
B169-S 10u C89, C92, C99 1
B152 27p C79 1
B158 100p C8, C9 1
B151 22p C85 1
B58-S 1N4148 D3 1
B58-S 1N4148 D4 1
B58-S 1N4148 D6 1
B85-S 7486 IC2 1
B83-S ALS/F/ACT/7474 IC4 1
B86-S 4013 IC5 1
B79-S 74193 IC6, IC7, IC8 1
B335-B LM833DR2G IC9 1
B236 27nH L1.1, L1.2, L1.3, L1.4 1
B97 BFR93AW Q1, Q2, Q3 1
B99-S BC849 Q6, Q8, Q9, Q11, Q14 1
B96-S BC858 Q7, Q15 1
B40-S 33K R1, R48, R83 1
B35-S 10K R102, R103, R104 1
B8-S 47R R2 1
B29-S 3K3 R21, R22, R24 1
B31-S 4K7 R25, R29, R30, R76 1
B14 150R R28, R38, R71 1
B35-S 10K R3, R4, R65 1
B13-S 120R R31, R33 1
B30-S 3K9 R32 1
B4-S 22R R34, R35 1
B46-S 100K R37, R86 1
B27S 2K2 R40, R75, R78 1
B68-S 6K8 R79, R84 1
B41-S 39K R45 1
B38-S 22K R47 1
B18-S 390R R49 1
B25-S 1K5 R5, R36, R46 1
B23-S 1K R52, R68, R69, R93, R105 1
NF R53, R81, R85, R44, R43, R51 1
B32-S 5K6 R57 1
B23-S 1K R58, R61, R106, R107, R108 1
B27-S 2K2 R59 1
B37-S 15K R6, R39, R41, R42 1
B12-S 100R R60, R62 1
B36-S 12K R63 1
A.O.T. R66 1
B35-S 10K R7, R11 1
B22-S 820R R77 1
B20-S 560R R80 1
B31-S 4K7 R87, R89, R90 1
B38-S 22K R88, R95, R98 1
B42-S 47K R91 1
B27-S 2K2 R92 1
B21-S 680R R94 1
B37-S 15K R96 1
B29-S 3K3 R97 1
B98 BB201 VD1, VD2, VD3 1
B61-S 7V5 ZD1, ZD2 1
B62-S 11V ZD5 1
B59-S 3V9 BZT52C3V9-DC ZD6, ZD7 1
B118 7805 IC1 2
B76 NTE2506 Q4 2
B63 1N6263 D1, D2 3
B64 1N4007 D7 3
B55 2K2 9t 28awg L5 3
B187-F SW1, SW2, SW3 3
B216 1t 22awg FB1, FB2, FB3 4
B216 2t 28awg FB4 4
B55 2K2 8t 28awg L2 4
B35-S 10K VR1 5
B116-4 4PIN-KF128 CON7, CON10 7
NF CON11, CON12, CON4, CON8, CON9 7
B75 SD1127 Q5 7
B187-C CON13, CON14 8
B187-D DS1023-1*7S21 CON2 8
B87 J1, J4, J5, J8 8
B87 J2, J3 8
B170 220u C12, C27, C53, C71 10
B171 47u C3, C11 10
B169-S 10u C50 10
B173 1000u C54 10
B116 CON1, CON6 10
B187-A RP2040 IC11 10
AD9833 IC12 10
B103 BD179 Q13 10
B91 500R VR2 10
B343-B SMA CON5 11
7mm 5t 16awg L3, L6, L7, L8, L9, L10 11
5mm 4t 16awg L4 11


Veronica 1W PLL FM Transmitter Version 14 PCB Layout designed by Paul Hollings


1. Plug in a 50 ohm dummy load to the RF output OR Reduce the power to zero by turning VR2 fully clockwise.


2. Apply between 12 and 16 volts to the PCB position marked CON6 +15V (+) and 0V (-)

3. Press the UP and DOWN buttons to select the frequency you require.

6. Apply audio at line level to CON1. Adjust the VR1 for correct FM deviation.

7. Remove the 50 ohm dummy load from the output OR Increase the power to full by turning VR2 fully. You are now ready to install the 1W PLL into your transmission system.

If the 1 watt PLL is connected to a Veronica / Aareff Limiter Compressor or a Stereo Coder, pre-emphasis is not required. To disable the pre-emphasis, do not select 50uS or 75uS and remove the jumper completely. Store the jumper in a safe place just in case you need to restore the pre-emph for another application at a later date.


The following tests were taken at 15V DC and the worst case measurement was recorded over the range -20 to +50 deg C.

Frequency 100KHz steps from 87.5 to 108MHz
RF Power Output 1000mW into 50 Ohm load
Deviation Sensitivity Stability +/-2% max
Spurious Emissions >75dB rtc
Harmonic Emissions >63dB rtc
Out of Lock RF Muting >63dB rtc
Freq Stability +/- 1 KHz max., typ. +/-300Hz
RF Output Connector SMA Female
Audio Input Sensitivity 0.775 V rms for +/- 75 KHz
Signal To Noise Ratio 80 dBu
Frequency Response Flat from 30 Hz to 76 KHz
Pre-emphasis (50uS/ 75uS/ None) Selectable
Audio Distortion Better than 0.2 % THD
Audio Input Connector Terminal Block
Power Supply 15V DC Regulated 650mA max.



Paul Hollings

In Zurgena, Almería, Spain on 01 of November 2011, the equipment:

Original and Genuine Veronica 1W PLL (1WPLLM) meets the essential requirements of the R&TTE directive

ETS 300 384/A1 ed.1 (1997-2002) Broadcasting Systems Transmitters FM sound broadcasting in very high frequency (VHF)

It should be noted that this cannot be legally used as a standalone unit. This sub assembly is designed and intended to be installed in a fully screened EMC enclosure with or without other sub assemblies. Any final design should be further tested to verify it meets the essential requirements of:

EN 301 489-11 V1.3.1 (2006-05) Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio Spectrum Matters (EMC) for radio equipment and services. Part 11: Specific conditions for transmitting the terrestrial sound broadcasting service.

2006/95/EC DIRECTIVE 2006/95/EC of 12 December 2006 on electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits.


All components used in this apparatus are RoHS compliant and do not contain above the specified limits in any of the following restricted substances:


This apparatus must NOT be disposed of with other domestic waste.

We are fully committed to maintaining our responsibilities to the environment. Owners of apparatus that has reached the end of it's useful life can return it to us for recycling, recondition, reuse or proper disposal. You will be required to pay lowest cost postal service available to ship the apparatus to us. Before shipping please contact us for more important information.


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Aareff is a trademark of Aareff Transmission Systems. All contents of this document including, but not limited to the images, logos, text, illustrations are protected by copyrights, trademarks and other intellectual property rights which are owned and controlled by Aareff Transmission Systems or by other parties that have licensed their material to Aareff Transmission Systems. This document in part or whole may not be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted or distributed in any way, including by e-mail, ftp or any other electronic means

Every care has been taken in the preparation of this document, errors in content, typographical or otherwise, may have occurred. If you have comments concerning its accuracy, please contact Aareff Systems Limited (UK)

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Aareff is a trademark of Aareff Transmission Systems. All contents of this document including, but not limited to the images, logos, text, illustrations are protected by copyrights, trademarks and other intellectual property rights which are owned and controlled by Aareff Transmission Systems or by other parties that have licensed their material to Aareff Transmission Systems. This document in part or whole may not be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted or distributed in any way, including by e-mail, ftp or any other electronic means

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Original and Geniune Veronica® 1W PLL (1wpllm)
US$ 197.61


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